Did you know that orthodontic braces require cleaning and care to ensure they are working properly? Like a car, braces must be constantly checked to ensure they are functioning properly. If you let your braces become damaged, they can drastically increase your recovery time.
Braces do not operate as mouth guards do. Although they are often made of metal materials, your teeth are not safe just because you are wearing them. This means they are more at risk for oral accidents to occur. If you are planning on playing any contact sports or engage in any activity that can increase the risk of damage to your mouth, be sure to wear all necessary safety gear and equipment.
If the worst should happen, do not try to fix the damage yourself. Damaged braces can become a choking hazard if a piece should break off, so do not cut any parts that may be dangling or damaged. Some of the wires are extremely small, so it is important to contact your dentist right away should an accident occur. To avoid being poked or stabbed by loose wires, cover them with a ball of wax or putty and contact your orthodontist at our office as quickly as possible.
No matter the orthodontic service you desire, Dr. Deji Fashemo and our team at Fourth Dimension Orthodontics & Craniofacial Orthopedics are here to give you the smile you want. If you would like to schedule an appointment to come see us at one of our dentist office in Allen and Dallas, Texas, please contact us at 972.947.2000 or 972.947.2200 to speak with a member of our team. We will ensure you get the smile you desire.